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Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Northmen's Script, April 1, 1963

Sugar Land Junior High School published a student newspaper in my days there. Rick Kirkpatrick, editor-in-chief when he was in the 8th grade in the 1962/3 school year, gave me this copy. I truly appreciate his donation.
I hope I don't spoil anything by pointing out this issue hit the news stands on April 1st.

The link below leads to a Picassa slide show of the newspaper. The page turn speed is set automatically to 3 seconds if you turn on the auto slide show option. I can't do anything about the default setting. However, you can move your mouse pointer over the window and invoke a task bar which has a pause button. Or, you can also slow down the page-turn speed with the + and - buttons. Or, you can use the manual-advance button (arrow).

Picassa Slide Show of The Northmen's Script, April 1, 1963