On Saturday, December 21st, 1963, Dulles played Rockwall for the AA State Championship at Baylor Stadium in Waco. (Links to video of the game are at the bottom of this entry.) The Fort Bend Mirror edition for Thursday, December 19th, was still celebrating the Vikings' triumph over Liberty, who was a heavy favorite to defeat the Vikings in their Semi-Final Game in Pasadena. The edition included a long, front-page story about the Vikings' improbable season with a photo of the happy coaching staff after the victory over Liberty. (My thanks go to Dot Hightower for letting me scan this paper.)

Linda & Dian Hagler saved booster ribbons for the big game. I'd forgotten there were 'Junior High" and "Senior High" versions of the ribbons.

Dot let me scan the following pages from the game program. (Unfortunately, the other pages are missing.)

Bob Husbands has helped me with the Dulles line ups. If any players can add info, Bob and I would appreciate the help.
RE: Randy Trncak
RT: Tony Frankie
RG: Bill Knox/Danny Marcy
C: T.V. Abercrombie
LG: Bob Husbands
LT: Paul Horn
LE: Kenneth Dinges
QB: Red Binford
HB: Ralph Senior
FB: Charles Hauerland
WB: Johnny Marks
LE: Kenneth Dinges
LT: Mike Scanlin
NG: Bob Husbands
RT: Paul Horn
RE: T.V. Abercrombie
LLB: Carlos Medrano
RLB: Travis Gandy
LCB: Johnny Bailey
RCB: Johnny Marks
LS: Bill Hargraves
RS: Ralph Senior
I've posted articles and photos from the post-game edition of The Fort Bend Mirror in earlier entries on this blog. (Click the Sports Label to find them.) Here are three new Mirror photos I got from Dot. The photo of Johnny Bailey's interception is good because it's not real clear in the game film. The ball bounces around a bit among multiple players.

Links to the film appear below. There are several interesting points in film:
- The cheerleaders seem to arrive late for the game.
- Dulles ran toward the left most of the game. I guess the coaches thought the left side of Rockwall's defense was pretty tough.
- Rockwall wasn't fooled on the two-point conversion.
- When Travis Gandy stops Jackie Anderson for a loss on a sweep right with 4th and goal, I remember thinking the game was over. There were less than 3 minutes left in the game at that point.
- Charles Hauerland has pointed out the incorrect spot that gave Dulles a 4th and 1 on their last drive. Dulles then punted, which led to Rockwall's winning touchdown. Travis Gandy has told me about the coaches' debate about what to do on that 4th and 1.
- I have no idea what's going on with Rockwall's mid-field victory celebration after the game.
"Chuck, the cheerleaders and the Pep Squad were late because the football team had to use their bus to get to the game from our motel. The football team bus broke down at the motel as we were getting ready to leave to go to the stadium. I guess by the time the bus got back to pick them up they arrived late. The bus breaking down may have been an omen as to what was going to happen that day. Thanks for what you are doing with the blog. Travis"
Video of First Quarter
Video of Second Quarter
Video of Third Quarter
Part 1 of Video of Fourth Quarter
Part 2 of Video of Fourth Quarter
a guy named "Killer" was doing a victory "head spin". He had not this for several years, due to a neck injury and doc telling him he could be paralized. Notice people picking him up, fearing he had injured himself..
ReplyDeleteRegarding the celebration after the game, Bobby "Killer" Cantrell was the trainer for Rockwall. He lived in Rowlett, Tx. and when the Rowlett kids switched from Garland High School to Rockwall High School, Killer switched to Rockwall, too. He came to Rockwall around 1955. After every Rockwall win, the team and cheerleaders and the fans would gather in a circle and Killer would stand on his head and spin. It was a traditional thing until Killer was told by his doctor to quit doing it. After winning the State Championship, Killer just said to heck with it, I am going to spin anyway! What a game it was! After Marc Noel scored Rockwall's touchdown, my brother, Jackie Anderson, lined up and kicked the extra point that won the game.
DeleteThanks for the info. I would be interested in any more insights on the game from Rockwall's point of view. I would be happy to call. I am Charles Kelly in Sugar Land and live on ***Salerno St***. You can find my number in the White Pages. (I'm reluctant to put my number or email address on the blog since I might get spammed.)
DeleteChuck Kelly