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Monday, November 7, 2011

Tom Thumb Wedding, late 1940s

I want to thank Cherryl Hughes Fikes for sending me these pictures.  Cherryl's family moved away from Sugar Land in the early 1950s, but she has very fond memories of Sugar Land.  These photos show a 'Tom Thumb Wedding,' no doubt a fundraiser of some sort.  

Cherryl thinks the date is 1948 or '49.  She annotated the photos with names as best she could remember.  Many of you may recognize some faces & names.  Maybe some of the participants can give us a clue.  As you can see, the location is the Sugar Land Auditorium.

(Update) I got a note from Billie Blair saying that's Marcia Kirkpatrick in the 10th photo.  I thought it might be but wasn't absolutely sure.