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Friday, May 6, 2016

Jack Rhodes, SLHS Football Coach 1945/46

I received a kind letter from John Rhodes, whose father was head coach of the Sugar Land Gator football team in the 1945/46 school year.  I'll have more to say about Coach Rhodes and his son in later postings, but I thought I'd post a few excerpts from the April and May 1946 issues of The Alligator Splash, the school's monthly newspaper.  

The first clipping deals with the administration's consideration of organizing a student council.  The April issue included student opinions, and this one was from Blanche Cruse.  (Linda Cruse Wilson asked me recently about her older sister who was a student at Sugar Land High, and I coincidentally came across this clipping.)
The next item concerned prospect form next fall's football season.  I knew the '45 team was good, but I didn't know they finished second in the district race.  I'll have to check to see which school came out on top. (Maybe Boling or Richmond.)  
As some of you read in a post above, Dorothy Vavrecka Raska (SLHS '46) died recently.  The May issue of the Splash had short profiles of graduating seniors.  Here is Dorothy's, which included a funny story.
This final clipping was also in the May issue and comes from Coach Rhodes.  It's his parting congratulations to graduating seniors.

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