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Sunday, January 3, 2016

More People of Old Sugar Land

The photo was taken in 1961.  I'm fairly certain this man's last name is Shelton, but I'm having trouble determining his first name.  As you can see, he maintained the area at the plant entrance beside the Char House. (Maybe someone can provide his name.)

The next photo shows Hugh Charleton at the time of his retirement in 1965.  I'll have to research this, but I think he was a foreman for Sugarland Industries.  Note that he's standing in front of the old lumber yard on Imperial Blvd., roughly where the east end of the Nalco Plant is now located.

This next photo shows summer hires, Ollie Scott, Jr., Richard Sister, and Jack Nygren as they earn their pay in the Char House.  I think this photo was taken in 1963.

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