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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Missouri City High School

Thank you, Lee Elkins LeGrand (DHS '71), for letting me scan these photos from the Elkins family scrapbook.  Many of you know her father was Lawrence Elkins (MCHS '42), who worked for MCISD and Fort Bend ISD for many years.  In fact, Elkins High School is named after him.

The first photo shows the 1941 Mustang Band on the steps of the old auditorium, which I'm happy to say is still standing. 

The next photo shows the 1939-40 championship boys basketball team.  (I'm not sure what championship they won.  Most likely their Class A bi-district title - maybe higher titles, too.)  I've included the annotations on the back.  I recognized Mr. Elkins and Mr. Jerry Segers, Sr. right away.  I didn't realize the coach was Mr. E. O. Jones, Dulles High School's first principle.

The last photo shows the 1950 boys basketball team, which also won an unidentified championship.  I recognized Coach Bobby Williams (#21) right away.  As you can see, Mr. Elkins is their coach.  I don't recognize anyone else.  Any help with ids?

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