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Thursday, January 15, 2015

News You Can Use and A Correction

Celebrate M. B. Lamar on January 26th
On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon, the Sons & Daughters of the Republic of Texas will hold the 5th annual memorial ceremony honoring the 2nd President of the Republic of Texas, Mirabeau Bonaparte Lamar. On this very day, 176 years ago, President Lamar signed an Act reserving three (3) Leagues of land in each county to be used to pay for a public school system in Texas. The event will also celebrate his signing the legislative acts creating the State's Homestead Act (the world's first) and its state flag.

The ceremony will be at the grave of President Mirabeau B. Lamar in the Morton Cemetery, located just north of downtown Richmond, Texas. This is a historic cemetery with Jane Long also buried just to the south of President Lamar’s grave, and the first Masonic Burial Monument located just to the east of President Lamar’s grave. 

The public is welcome to join this celebration.

I want to thank Debbie Schumann Brooks, Robert Schumann's daughter, for a correction on the photo of two Schumann brothers with a family friend in 1941.  That wasn't her father in the photo but his brother Max Schumann, Jr.
Max Schumann, Jr., Babe Fischer, and Herbert Schumann at the Max Schumann, Sr. home on 4th Street in 1941.

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