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Monday, December 22, 2014

A Couple of Items of Texas History

I took a trip to Huntsville last month to visit the Sam Houston Museum and the Texas Prison Museum.  Both make a pleasant and educational day-trip.  The Sam Houston Museum includes outdoor exhibits of historic buildings as well as convention indoor museum displays.

I didn't see this next item at the Sam Houston Museum, but I thought you might like to see it.  It's a 'letter' or, more accurately, a pre-battle memorandum stating the Texian Army's circumstances and conditions as it prepared to cross Buffalo Bayou and turn east toward the Lynchburg Ferry Landing and confront Santa Anna's Mexican Army.  

I've included a transcription below to make reading it easier.

Sam Houston’s notes before the Battle of San Jacinto. This was written on April 19, 1836. Here is the text. Houston's spelling is preserved:

Camp at Harrisburgh
19th April 1836

This morning we are in preparation to meet Sant Ana [Santa Anna]. It is the only chance of saving Texas. From time to time I have looked for re-inforcements in vain. The Convention adjourning to Harrisburgh struck panic throughout the country. Texas could have started at least 4000 men; we will only have about 700 to march with beside the Camp Guard. We go to conquer. It is wisdom growing out of necessity to meet and fight the enemy now. Every consideration enforces it. No previous occasion would justify it. The troops are in fine spirits, and now is the time for action.

My Adjt Genl Wharton, Inspr Genl Hockley
Aid [sic] de Camp Horton
 “           “   “       W.H. Patton
 “           “   “       Collingsworth
Volunteer Aid [sic] Perry
                “           Perry
Maj. Cook Asst Inspr Genl will be with me.

We will use our best efforts to fight the enemy to such advantage, as will insure [sic] victory, tho’ the odds is greatly against us. I leave the result in the hands of a wise God and rely upon his Providence.

My country will do justice to those who serve her. The rights for which we fight will be secured, and Texas Free.

Sam Houston
Comr in Chief

Col. Rusk is in the field.

I also found this photo of the interior of the Alamo's chapel, taken in 1944.

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