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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Two Follow Up Items

I asked Haroldetta Robertson about the demolition of the old Richmond Bridge.  (I posted a photo of it a couple of weeks ago.)  I learned that it was demolished on July 14, 1988.  The home where Haroldetta grew up was on the east bank of the Brazos near the foot of the bridge.  She said her late brother-in-law, Henry Robertson (SLHS '51), collected a few pieces of the debris, which she still has.

Belinda Jenkins Faison (DHS '69) recently asked about the old fire whistles.  Many of you will remember they were coded so Sugar Land residents (and volunteer firemen) knew where the fire was located.  Here's an old poster I've posted in the past, explaining the different blasts.  I guess you could say these are a blast from the past.

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