The following aerial photos aren't the best, but I thought I'd post them because they show areas of town that have changed quite a bit. I'm not exactly sure of the dates, but I'd guess they were taken in 1969 or 1970.
At the bottom, you get a good view of Savoy before it was developed. |
Another view of the same general area from a greater distance, showing more of Venetian Estates. |
Oyster Creek Drive before Sugar Lakes was developed. Crop dusters took off and landed in the large open field. |
A view of the west side of town. Stink Creek is the ditch near the middle of the right side of the photo. |
Matlage Way had not been developed when this aerial was taken. |
A view of the same general area from a higher elevation. |
A view of the same area from further south. The drainage canal is at the bottom of the photo. |
Prison farm land is in view at the lower left. |
A photo from 1913 showing the Mercantile Store on the left and the drug store on the right. |
About the best I can do showing the same location today. |
Note the short article about the new Post Office that just opened on Matlage Way. This page comes from The Imperial Crown issued in July 1984. |