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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sugar Land High School's Class of 1931

When I look at the roster of SLHS graduates, I count 15 members of this class, but 16 students appear in this picture.  I'm not sure who is the 'extra' person.  

I recognize (in the back row) Howard Dunkerly (2nd from left), Dorothy Trout Mason (4th from left), Marjorie Brooks Ashford (center of row), Gifford Horn (far right), (in the front row) Mary Rozelle Kindard (3rd from right), and Mildred Rozelle (far right). 

(Update) I got a note from Tracey Matlage Calvert that the woman seated in the middle of the first row is Nell Rose Doyle.  I haven't asked Tracey, but I wonder if she's their class sponsor rather than fellow student.  That would explain the discrepancy with the class roster.

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