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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Birthday, Ernest Trevino

Ernest Trevino (SLHS '54) celebrated a birthday last month.  Carlos Tarver (SLHS '53) asked me to make a DVD for Ernest in honor of his birthday.  Here is a short clip from the video, which focuses on Ernest's athletic career at Sugar Land High.

Ernest is enjoying life as a retiree from Imperial Sugar.  I think he can still run a quarter mile in under a minute.  (I know I can't.)  Those of you who know Ernest can wish him a belated happy birthday next time you see him.



  1. That was great! What happened his senior year? I saw that he lettered in all the sports the first 3 years but not the 4th.

    1. I understand that Ernest started school late, so he was over the age limit his senior year. That's why he couldn't play sports in the '53/'54 school year.
