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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

More From The Buehring Family Scrapbook

I've linked to a few more family photos Walt Buehring has posted on Flickr.  The Buehrings lived at 418 Oyster Creek Drive.  You see what the area looked like before Sugar Lakes was built.

I told a fellow recently that George Lane, the local crop duster, used the open field along the east side of Oyster Creek Drive as a refueling spot when he dusted Industries crops.  The fellow seemed skeptical, but I can verify it as an eyewitness. 

Here's a view of the Buehring children in their backyard on the east bank of Oyster Creek.


Here's another view of Oyster Creek behind their home.  The houses on the opposite bank face Venice Street.

Here is my classmate, Mitchell Hall (DHS '68) in the Buehring's drivewayThis was taken in the fall of '67 because he's wearing his drum major's uniform.  You get a view of the open field George Lane used as a landing strip.


I'm not sure who this young fellow is, but you get a good view north toward Highway-90A.  The city park and Shell station are in that vicinity now.