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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dulles vs West Columbia, November 1966

Here's a scan of the program for the Dulles vs. West Columbia game played at Kempner Field in Sugar Land on November 18, 1966.  As you can see from the page in '67 Viking yearbook, we squeaked out a 6-0 win.  Tommy 'Bobo' Nelson had a very good game and scored the sole touchdown.

You see Happy Barker in the top photo on what appears to be a sweep left.  In addition to William Reagan and Happy, I see Al Smallwood (55) and Larry Brasfield (82).  If you look way in the back you can see me looking back at the play.  I don't think I was doing a good job of 'selling the fake.'

You see Lupe de la Cruz defending the pass attempt in the bottom photo.  Frank Tanner (75) is on the left.  (Update: I just looked at the program & 75 isn't Frank.  Don't know who he is.) I think that's Al Smallwood trailing the play behind the receiver.


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