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Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Original Triumphs

I want to thank my classmate Linda Hagler Mosk (DHS '68) for allowing me to scan these images from her scrapbook.  I think 1968 was Don Drachtenberg's first year to teach at Dulles High School.  If I remember correctly, his subjects were Civics, Economics, and World History.  

Anyway, Linda had the foresight to get his autograph.  Don was a celebrity teacher because he was also a member of The Triumphs.  Actually, he is still a member because the band is going strong to this day.  Check their Web site ( for show dates.

1 comment:

  1. CK,
    What I remember of my Civics class taught by Mr. Drachtenberg....I didn't learn very much about Civics but I did like the soundtrack to "The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" that he played during our class time.
    Linda M
