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Monday, August 13, 2012

An Update on the 1920s Aerial Photo of Mayfield Park

Bettye Anhaiser and my brother have given me some interesting details on the Mayfield Park aerial photo I posted a few months ago.  

Bettye identified the prisoners' quarters which housed convict labor used by Imperial Sugar and the Sugarland Industries before the practice was outlawed around 1915.  (The State of Texas contracted convicts to various enterprises who paid the State a daily labor rate.  These enterprises provided room and board for the prisoners.) I've marked the 6 barracks-like buildings which were still standing in the 1920s -- no doubt they still served as employee housing.

Bruce said several people identified the old Hispanic school located in the Quarters (Mayfield Park). I understand that it served as a bi-lingual school to help children prepare for classes at the school campus on Lakeview.  It's the two-story building I've marked in the photo.

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