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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Falls In Sugar Land from 1940 to 1973

I thought this was a good time to post an entry about Sugar Land's brushes with snow storms over the years. The first link below lists official snow falls in this area since 1895. You'll see that the first one was a doozy - 20". The first one in my life time was in 1958. I was excited about it because I'd never seen snow, but there wasn't enough to cover the ground. My first big storm was on February 12, 1960. It was a Friday and we had our Valentine's Day party at school. It began snowing in the afternoon and continued through the night.

We had plenty to play in the next day, as you can see from the pictures in the photo album. I'm not real happy with Picassa's approach to photo albums, but it'll have to do for now.
I have a 1-1/2 minute video of a brief snow in the winter of 1963, I think. It may have been 1964, but my best guess is 1963. The banner year was 1973, when we had 3 snow falls. Unfortunately, I have just one picture from those snow storms.

My thanks to the Helmcamp, James & Laperouse families for sharing these photos. Note the detailed annotations Boots Helmcamp put on his photos. Great stuff.

Link to Weather Research Centers List of Houston Snow Falls

Link to Photo Album of Snow Falls in Sugar Land

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