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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ceramic Coasters with Historic Photos of Sugar Land on them

My niece, Lauren Kelly Arnold, made a Christmas gift for me that may interest 'history-minded' Sugar Land residents & former residents. These are 4"x4" ceramic coasters with cork backing. They depict Sugar Land scenes from postcards made in the mid-1920s. I thought they were terrific. She has other public-domain photos to choose from. She can make custom coasters from your own pictures. (She's making a set for my mother with all her great-grandchildren on them. She's making another set with vacation scenes for some friends of mine.)

A set of 4 is $16.00, not including shipping if you live out of town. Send me an email message or post a comment on this entry if you're interested or want more info. She is booked up with orders into April, but can deliver new orders afterward.

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