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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Exterior Picture of Old Post Office

After last week's postings I realized I should have included an exterior shot of the old Post Office north of Highway 90A. This picture comes from the Laperouse-Krehmeier family. It was taken in 1952, just before the old Imperial Sugar and Sugarland Industries Offices were torn down. (They had already moved to the upper floor of the shopping center south of Highway 90A.)

The front of the building housed the bank and the Post Office. The bank was on the left. The Post office on the right. They were hardly bigger than a good-sized room, as you can tell from the interior shots of the Post Office below. Each had an entrance from the raised wooden walkway - note the separate doors. The principal area of the building was occupied by Imperial Sugar and Sugarland Industries. Their offices had separate entrances off the street.

The sign on the front of the building is in Spanish. It says in part, "No Se Puede Sentarse En Este Corredor." ("Don't sit here!") There is another prohibition in Spanish, but most of it is hidden by the handrail. The car in the middle has a license plate holder with lettering that says, "
Alligators - Sugar Land, Texas" on it. The car on the right has a football shaped decal in the back window saying, "Sugar Land Gators." No doubt it was green.

(Update) I almost forgot to mention something Pam Helmcamp Clark sent me: "
On the subject of the Post Office. My father Boots Helmcamp came to Sugar Land when he was around 14 yrs of age and went to work in the Bank there. He went to the post office to obtain a box to receive his mail and Mrs Iiams gave him Box 1---which was designated for the post master/mistress at that time. I still have that Box in my name---which I believe is now about 85+ years."

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