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Monday, October 12, 2009

Marvin Zindler's 50s Radio Program, "The Roving Mike"

I've posted links to some interesting Web sites in the left-hand column of this blog. One of the best is "Bayou City History" by J. R. Gonzalez. (His blog appears in The Houston Chronicle.) Back in September he ran a series on a radio program Marvin Zindler hosted for KATL in the early 1950s.

I'm almost certain you won't believe what you hear. Marvin gives taped reports from crime scenes. He interviews a man who's lying on a sidewalk after being stabbed in the neck, a semi-conscious man lying on the side of the road after a car wreck, policemen as they try to corral a domestic dispute, drunks who've been rolled for the money they were carrying, etc. It's amazing. Marvin was often on the scene before the Houston police arrived.

Here's a link to the blog entries for September. (All the Zindler clips were posted in September. You may want to go to the bottom and move up, so you'll read the entries in chronological order.)

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